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Showing posts from June, 2021

The World In 2050

 we are in a race the race is against time we have to build cities we need them but we have to make them in a different way we need a wave of innovation not only for our way of life but also the planet the consequences would be enormous if we lose this battle I'm Thomas gets executive editor at Wired  magazine and wired we look at the innovators innovations that are changing our world in the next hour we'll see three stories from acclaimed film makers about the future of energy will explore cutting-edge innovations in how we drive how we live and in our first story how we fuel our hearts they're all ideas that promise to shape the path to the world of 2050 all the world has right now close to a billion cars  and by double the number of cars of the plant addicted so we doubled our vehicles we really increase the amount of fuel they consume and that's gonna have a big big footprint in terms of our demand for resources to move on most vehicles around we're pulling up c...